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CCSD Cell Phone Policy


South Carolina legislature has enacted stipulations for the use of cell phones at school by students.  Cell phones/Smart Watches are prohibited from being used during the school day.  This is the same policy that our school has had in place since the beginning of the year.  

In order for everyone in the building to be consistent, if a student has a cell phone they will put it in pouches at the beginning of each class period and then take them back at the end of the period.

We understand the need for your child to bring a phone to school based on after school activities.  I ask that you please talk to them about turning the phone off prior to entering the building. If you need to contact your child during the school day, I ask that you call the front office and we will convey any message.  Thank you for working alongside our staff to help alleviate distractions for our students. Please see the link below for more information.     


CCSD Cell Phone Policy Update