Transitioning to Middle School & Attendance
Here are some tips and ideas on how to help your child make a smooth transition to middle school:
Middle School Survival Tips for Parents:
- Reassure your child that it is okay to feel nervous
- Highlight the positives: more independence, new opportunities (clubs, new friends, dances, lockers, etc.), the opportunity to learn new subjects and develop additional hobbies/interests.
- Take opportunities to tour the campus prior to the new school year
- Attend orientations and transition workshops/meetings for parents
- Reassure your child that middle school is a safe place
- Talk about social skills
- Get involved as a parent
- Openly communicate with your child
- Help your child develop organizational strategies
- Encourage your child to get involved in extracurricular activities
- Encourage your child to become his or her own advocate
Middle School Survival Tips for Students:
- Get organized, and manage your time wisely
- Do your homework, and turn in assignments on time
- Talk to your teachers about your academics and other school work concerns
- Get involved in extracurricular activities
- Get good grades, and always put forth your very best effort.
- Talk to your parents, and keep them informed of what is going on in your middle school life
- Find an adult you can trust at school to talk to if you run into problems or situations you cannot solve on your own.
- Choose your friends wisely, and steer clear of drama-filled relationships
- Come to school, have a positive attitude, and have fun!
DAP's Attendance Information - Let's Get Engaged!
Attendance is so important and vital to student success. Check out the tips and informaiton from our attendance department!
Remember: attendance notices must be turned in within 3 days of the students return!